Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Marxist Influences on America
The Marxist Influences of America
Karl Marx had 10 platforms for the success of atheistic communism: 1,The abolition of Private Property. 2, A heavy progressive income tax. 3. Confiscation of all the Property of those who disagree with the Government and 4. Abolition of Inheritance. These are just a few of the clearly communistic principles that Karl Marx held. I want to show you his hatred for Christianity and then focus on two institutions that have clearly been hijacked by the Marxists.
Over 150 years ago Karl Marx said “The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.”
This quote has been the centerpiece for the Marxist movement. Their hatred for Christianity and Biblical values has driven them to desperate measures. But before I go any further let me explain who Karl Marx was. Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in the huge country of Prussia. As a child he pestered his father with questions about his Jewish faith. Being very busy his father ignored the questions. Later on, Karl’s father converted to Catholicism because he believed it would be better for his business. Because of his inconsistent beliefs this gave Karl a hatred for religion. Karl was thought to be a Christian until about age 19 when he turned away from the faith. After rejecting the faith Karl started writing violent poetry about destroying the world. He later enrolled at Humboldt University where earned his doctorate. Marx sought to develop a worldview that would replace Christianity. The result was Marxism.
In the early 1900’s, Marxists were strategizing on how to bring down western civilization. One of Marx’s followers known as Antonio Gramsci, hatched a plan to tear down the Christian church in America. Gramsci discovered that if they had a stronghold in two certain industries in America, the Church would weaken without people even noticing.
The first industry that they hijacked was Hollywood. In the 1930’s socialism reigned in Europe and movies had skyrocketed in America. This presented a huge opportunity for the Marxists to present their propaganda on film. They knew that if they could normalize immorality on the TV screen, they could slowly take control of the people. Hundreds of filmmakers moved from Europe to America to take on this opportunity. Within 40 years Hollywood moved from being morally upright to immoral. The main thing that helps the pagans promote their agenda is when people say, “it’s only a movie.” People need to realize that every movie is promoting a worldview. Whether that worldview is Christian or pagan is for you to discover. We need to know who is framing our worldview behind that TV screen. Professional filmmaker and ex-Marxist Geoff Botkin teaches that Marxism largely forms the worldview in Hollywood.
The second institution the Marxists sought to hijack was the school. One position Karl Marx held was that education must be free. This may seem like a profitable thing at first look. But hidden underneath are anti-Christian beliefs. Marxism has its beliefs written all over the schools.
It is no longer believed or taught that Government has its constitutional boundaries. Kids are told that the Government will be at our service for every need. Constitutional law has been forgotten and this is exactly what the Marxists want. All 10 Marxist principles legislate large Government.
Now before I get the award for the most depressing speech of the year I do have some encouragement.
The first piece of encouragement relates to Hollywood. There are more and more Christian films that are coming out Independently. I am praying that Christian films will be the majority of films within 10 years.
The second piece of encouragement relates to the homeschoolers. We, as homeschoolers, have been butting against the Marxist view of education for 25 years. We need to make sure we don’t stop. We need to be studying God’s view of math, history, science, law and economics.
To make sure that we stay away from Marxist principles we need to follow these three steps.
1. We need to educate ourselves of the threat of Marxism in our nation. We need to know them and be able to refute any attack against Christianity. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;”
2. We need to elect godly congressmen and senators who understand and will uphold the constitution.
3. Third and most importantly, we need to pray that God would preserve our Nation. Because if we are without God the battle is already lost.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Speechless: Silencing the Christians
This is what OneNewNow has to say about it.
The American Family Association (AFA), a pro-family group based in Mississippi, has encountered resistance in its attempts to air a television special called Speechless: Silencing the Christians.
According to the website SilencingChristians.com, the majority of Americans get their information about the homo
sexual movement from Hollywood and the secular news media -- outlets that deliver what AFA says is a message "tainted by pro-homosexual propaganda." That is why the pro-family group produced the 14-episode Speechless series that initially aired on the INSP Network, and then put together a one-hour special based on the series.
AFA is now buying prime-time slots on the nation's television stations to present that special to provide factual, Christian-based information on the topic. But the pro-family group reports it has run up against blatant "silencing" of that message. "There's a real threat to our First Amendment and free-speech rights because Christians are being shut down and shut out and shut up by the very people who say they champion freedom of speech," asserts AFA president Tim Wildmon.
For example, WSXY in Columbus, Ohio, has refused the air the program. WSPA in Greenville, South Carolina, aired it, but then ran an apology from the station manager. And in Grand Rapids, Michigan, WOOD-TV agreed initially to air the show Monday evening, then bumped it to Wednesday, then proposed to run it on Saturday afternoon -- and now has cancelled it entirely.
Thursday, February 12, 2009